Sunday, October 26, 2008

Russian Onions

So what are most famous Russian shapes, as shapes - architectual, conceptual, practical and not? Of course - ONIONS! The onion-shaped domes were definitely made famous in Russia....and post-revolution onion solder's hats - commemorating the patriotism and reviving the shape used much earlier in does this remind you of anything (hint hint)?....


Vita said...

great analogy!
and the hat is all mine:) I love it!!!

Yulechka said...

am I to see one of those on one of your characters soon?.....

I AM making a hat almost straight out of one of your ACEOs.....going to call is "reality is whimsier than even fairy tales..."....

Rational Believer said...

You know what you can do?
Write down schematics (instructions) for your creations, and try to sell them to magazines, or collect them for a knitting book that you can publish later.

(I considered doing it with my crochet hobby, but my hobby is much more sporadic and flighty than yours)